Medicinal Herbs: Homemade Salves, Classes & Printables

I thought you designed printables... why herbs?
As part of my Emergency Preparedness Series, I launched an "Intro to Medicinal Herbs Class" that has since been taken by hundreds of women! It thrills me that so many of you are as anxious to incorporate herbs into your first aid, preparedness and general wellness as I am! If you are new to herbs... definitely start with my class! I share the TOP TEN things I wished I would have known when I started my herbal jouney + share with you my MOST used books, my best online resources and favorite retail websites. It'll shave YEARS off your learning curve - no joke! I'm not a clinical herbalist - and definitely not a doctor... but in my class, you'll feel like we're friends sitting at my kitchen table as I guide you through the basics of how to get started. I'll get you pointed in all the directions you need to start changing your family's life for the better! Once you take my class, you'll be introduced to the world of medicinal salves... from time to time, I'll release batches of my favorites!
ANNOUNCEMENT: Due to the overwhelming demand for my Dandelion Salve... I'm excited to begin releasing more of my most favorite medicinal herbal salves! Each salve will be released in limited/seasonal batches, so be watching this page closely for updates and announcements! After spending years testing and perfecting my ratios, infusion techniques and extractions processes... I've decided to keep my recipes proprietary. ♥
- Dandelion Salve will return Spring 2023!